Tuesday 2 September 2014

A Day At The Ex

We couldn't let August pass by without an annual pilgrimage to the CNE.  

Like similar visits of years past to Toronto's Exhibition grounds, it was a day marked by endless walking, impossible midway crowds, over priced games, poor food choices, and quirky things to shop for. 

While a Pomegranate Punch Booster Juice perhaps salvaged at least some nutritional quality in my food building choices, it in and of itself may not have been enough to make up for the deep fried filet and fries from H. Salt Fish & Chips, and random niblets of sweets, salty snacks, and deep fried ravioli's galore.  No, while curious, there was no waiting in the +30 minute-deep line to try the much hyped chocolate chicken.  

Rounded out by visits to the Direct Energy and Better Living Buildings, winning furry animals on various midway water gun and roll-a-ball games, and strolls through the lineup at Food Truck Alley - before I knew it night was upon us and there were fireworks in the air.  Literally, a solid 10-15 minute light show, with each one being shot from the pillars of the Direct Energy Centre.  I could have watched it for longer, were it not for the infinite other options to keep our eyes and brains jumping. 

Most importantly, what this day had in common with all prior trips to the Ex, was that it was fun!

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